05. Scott Wallace

Associate Director – Scott is an engineer with 20 years’ experience in all aspects of the electricity industry. Scott has experience working across the entire electricity supply chain and has also worked in government policy development, energy regulation and electricity market operations.

Career Summary

Since joining EMCa, Scott has worked primarily with a large electricity utility business in Malaysia, providing advice and guidance on the preparation of their incentive based regulatory submission. He has worked with the business in preparing a convincing narrative for the submission, and ensuring all past and future expenditure is suitably explained and persuasively supported by robust justification. 

Prior to joining EMCa, Scott worked at Networks NSW where he project- managed the regulated revenue resets for NSW distributors Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy. This included managing the preparation of three highly complex submissions for each business, and tens of thousands of pages of supporting information, independent expert reports, financial and performance reports, and court submissions.In this role he:

  • Managed various cross-functional business working groups which developed aligned strategy across the three businesses consistent with Board directions.
  • Developed policy and strategy positions for presentation to the CEO’s project executive steering committee.
  • Managed the project governance process, including review of all submission material submitted by the businesses to ensure alignment with agreed Networks NSW strategy, consistency between the businesses, and that submission material provided strong justification for proposed revenue. Scott managed the full governance and review process up to Board level.
  • Managed key external relationships within the AER from finalisation of the Better Regulation Guidelines and throughout the process until the final decision. Scott also managed key relationships at NSW Treasury and other network businesses.
  • Managed key relationships within the complex matrix structure of Networks NSW and the three businesses which allowed for the rapid delivery of specialist material from the businesses when required.
  • Managed key customer engagement activities to ensure that the 5-year plans proposed by the three businesses aligned with customer expectations, particularly in relation to price, reliability, and service levels, as required under the Consumer Engagement Guideline. This engagement achieved considerable customer support for the revenue proposal, evident through written and verbal submissions to the determination process.
  • Managed the procurement of over 30 expert consultant reports to support the regulatory submissions.

At NSW electricity distributor Ausgrid, Scott was responsible for smart meter policy and regulation. During this time, he also project managed a smart meter technology trial and several customer research programs aimed at developing and implementing new smart meter enabled electricity tariffs.

Scott spent 3 years working at the Australian Energy Market Commission, where he managed several major industry reviews including, review of the Effectiveness of the NEM in light of Extreme Weather, review of dispatch arrangements for wind farm and review of reliability standards.

Earlier roles include Wholesale Markets Regulation Manager at Energex Retail, Team Manager Electricity Markets at Queensland Government, Market Analyst at the National Electricity Market Management Company, and Engineer at NSW generator Pacific Power.


  • Project management.
  • Electricity network access and regulatory arrangements.
  • Smart meters and electricity pricing.
  • Energy regulation.
  • Electricity market operations.
  • Government policy.


  • Master of Business Administration, University of Technology Sydney
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical), University of Technology Sydney
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